Mozilla Persona

Persona Privacy Policy

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  3. Mozilla Persona Themes
  4. Mozilla Persona

Last Updated: 06 March 2013

Unfortunately despite the great value provided and novel technology, yes, Mozilla Persona is DOA due to an overly complex operating model. The good news is that it’s not impossible nor too late to change it. More on that later. Why is Persona D. Mozilla has announced they are shutting down Persona, the cross-browser login system for the Web. Ryan Kelly, software engineer for Mozilla, said 'Due to low, declining usage, we are reallocating t.

Tfile for mac os. This privacy policy explains to what extent Mozilla Corporation (*) ('Mozilla') collects and uses information about users of Persona ('Persona Service'), where such users use the Mozilla-created servers and client.


'Personal Information' is information that you provide to us that personally identifies you, such as your name, phone number, or email address. Except for your email address, Mozilla does not collect or require end-users of the Persona Service to furnish Personal Information. Vine server for mac.

'Non-Personal Information' is information that cannot by itself be directly associated with a specific person or entity. Non-Personal Information includes but is not limited to your computer’s configuration and which web browser you use.

'Potentially Personal Information' is information that is Non-Personal Information in and of itself but that could be used in conjunction with other information to personally identify you. For example, Uniform Resource Locators ('URLs') (the addresses of web pages) and Internet Protocol ('IP') addresses (the addresses of computers on the internet) can be Personal Information when combined with internet service provider ('ISP') records.

'Operational Data' means data regarding a user’s usage of the Services, such as access log data (such as data about when people access the service and with what piece of software). Mozilla collects Operational Data to help us so that we can ensure that we have sufficient capacity to meet user needs and otherwise to help with the operations of the Services.

Mozilla Persona is a cross-browser login system for the Web, that's easy to use and easy to deploy. It works on all major browsers, and you can get started today. In this unique approach, Jed Pearson uses stuffed animals and note cards to explain how Mozilla's Persona works under the hood.

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'Usage Statistics' refers to the Non-Personal Information Mozilla will use to understand your use of the Service. Such information may include but is not limited to the amount of data you are storing with the service, the frequency with which you access the service, bandwidth utilization, user interaction data, and traffic shaping.

For clarity, Usage Statistics and Operational Data from your use of the Persona Service are not stored with your Personal Information. We take steps to aggregate or delete Operational Data and Usage Statistics after we no longer need it, unless we are required by law to keep it longer.

Gathering, Use and Disclosure of Transmission Data

Account Information

Before you are able to use Persona, you will be required to register. To register, the Persona Service will require the following Personal Information and Potentially Personal Information from you: an email address and password. Your email address is transferred to Mozilla using encryption called SSL. Your email address is used by us to provide you the services, such as allowing us to help you recover your account if you lose your password. Your password is transferred to Mozilla using SSL encryption but is only retained by Mozilla’s servers in an encrypted format (which means that it is not practically feasible to recover the password from this format).

Once you have registered, your password is used to help prevent unauthorized access to your account.

Data Used to Provide the Services

Mozilla receives and uses the following information for the purpose of providing and improving the Persona Service: IP address, email, date and time of accessing the Persona Service, and various operational data such as the type of client OS and browser version (which are also known as the user agent string).

Disclosure to Third Parties

The Persona Service will disclose your verified email address to a Web site of your choosing, only after you have expressly consented to such disclosure. A Web site is allowed to request a verified email address, which results in you being prompted about the site’s request. After you have agreed, the service may remember your choice, so that you may remain signed-in on the site on subsequent visits.

Mozilla Personal Security Manager

Mozilla will not otherwise knowingly disclose Personal Information or Potentially Personal Information to other third parties, except when required to do so, such as in order to comply with any law, regulation, or valid legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, court order, or if necessary or appropriate to address an unlawful or harmful activity.

What Data is Analyzed by Mozilla?

Mozilla uses the Usage Statistics to understand your use of the Persona Service, unless you opt-in to share more information with us for this purpose.

How Are the Usage Statistics Used?

Mozilla will use the Usage Statistics gathered through the operation of the Persona Service to improve our products and services. By identifying aggregate patterns and trends in usage, Mozilla and its community are able to better design products and services to improve users’ experiences, both in terms of content and ease of use.

Where is the Operational Data Available?

Mozilla is an open organization that believes in sharing as much information as possible about its products, its operations, and its associations with its wider community. As such, Persona Service users should expect that Mozilla will make all Usage Statistics publicly available at some point. However, any publicly available Usage Statistics will only be reported on an aggregate, anonymous basis. No Personal Information or Potentially Personal Information will be available in any of these public reports.

How to Disable or Opt-Out of Persona

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If at any time, you decide you no longer want to use the Persona Service, you may cancel your Persona Account by visiting, signing in using any of your email addresses and your password, clicking the 'edit' button, and clicking 'remove' next to each of your email addresses. If you do not remember your password, you can use the email-verification-based password-reset feature to first recover access to your account, then delete it.

Other Disclosures

In certain other limited situations, Mozilla may disclose your Personal Information, such as when necessary to protect our websites and operations (e.g., against attacks); to protect the rights, privacy, safety, or property of Mozilla or its users; to enforce our terms of service; and to pursue available legal remedies. Additionally, Mozilla may need to transfer Personal Information to an affiliate or successor in the event of a change of our corporate structure or status, such as in the event of a restructuring, sale, or bankruptcy.

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Service Providers

We work with third parties who provide services and content delivery networks and other services of an administrative nature. We may share information about you with such third parties for the purpose of enabling these third parties to provide such services.

Transfer of Data to the U.S.

Mozilla is a global organization and operates in different countries. Privacy laws and common practices vary from country to country. Some countries may provide for less legal protection of your personal data; others may provide more legal protection. By using the Persona Service, you consent to the transfer of the information collected, as outlined by this Policy, to Mozilla in the United States, which may provide a lesser level of data protection than in your country of residence.

Mozilla Persona Themes

Data Retention

We will retain any information collected for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy unless a longer retention period is required by law and/or regulations.

Privacy Policy Changes

Mozilla Persona

Mozilla may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Each time you use the Persona Service the current version of this Privacy Policy will apply. Any and all changes will be reflected on this page. You should periodically check this page for any changes to the current policy. To make your review more convenient, we will post an effective date at the top of this page. Material changes will also be announced through the standard mechanisms through which Mozilla communicates with the Mozilla community. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand the terms of this Privacy Policy.

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What This Privacy Policy Doesn’t Cover

This policy does not apply to other Mozilla websites, products, or services. It also does not apply to your use of third-party clients or use of non-Mozilla servers. If you choose to use a third-party Persona client or servers provided by an entity other than Mozilla, this policy does not apply and Mozilla assumes no liability whatsoever for such products or services.

For More Information

You may request access, correction, or deletion of Personal Information or Potentially Personal Information, as permitted by law. We will seek to comply with such requests, provided that we have sufficient information to identify the Personal Information or Potentially Personal Information related to you. Any such requests or other questions or concerns regarding this Policy and Mozilla’s data protection practices should be addressed to:

Mozilla Corporation
Attn: Legal Notices – Privacy
331 E. Evelyn Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94041
Phone: +1-650-903-0800