
If you’ve ever looked at a piece of writing and thought, “I wish there was a spell check for everything,” TextSoap has been waiting for you. Built to save the sanity of sleep-deprived students and overloaded paralegals alike, it’s a comprehensive text cleaner for grammar and punctuation that gives depositions and dissertations alike a much-needed scrubbing.

The whole text cleanup process is as simple as copying the text into TextSoap’s built-in word processor and choosing the transformation you’d like to make. The app comes complete with dozens of common grammar and punctuation fixes, and supports custom scripting with regular expressions, so you can be sure to catch your most common mistakes. Or wait, is it “you’re”? Here’s how to put TextSoap to use.


Employ text cleanup first

To clean up or alter a piece of text, copy and paste it into the app window using keyboard shortcuts or the Paste Over button. Once the text appears, click any operation from the list on the right-hand side of the screen to apply it.

If you can’t locate the specific cleaner you’re looking for, use the search bar at the top to find it with ease. To find and replace specific words or phrases, click the Magnifying Glass icon and fill out the fields.

TextSoap is for people who work with text. TextSoap effortlessly cleans up text from endlessly different formats. Wash away unwanted characters, spaces, tabs. Fix paragraphs with hard returns at the end of each line, as well as a myriad of other formatting issues that come your way and do it all while retaining desired font styles. TextSoap 8.6.2 macOS 16 mbAutomatically remove unwanted characters, fix messed up carriage returns, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. Save time & effort. Be more productive.Stop manually fixing text documents and emails. TextSoap can automate away all that tediousness.


Use text cleaner groups

The app conveniently sorts its cleaners into easy-to-navigate groups according to function. The drop-down menu at the top of the sidebar gives you quick access to the palette of cleaners that fits the task at hand.

For instance, if you’re getting ready to publish a piece of writing online, the Markdown or HTML groups can streamline the task of formatting.

Textsoap 8.5


Customize text cleaners too

There’s a lot you can accomplish with the pre-loaded cleaners, but you also have the option to create your own. Click the Custom Cleaners & Groups tab and press + to bring up the customization menu. Drag and drop individual components from the list at left to create new and useful combinations!

Use batch cleaning

Sometimes you have to scale up — TextSoap has you covered. Open the File menu and click Batch File Cleaning, then add as many files as you’d like to clean to the table at right. Then, use the drop-down Cleaner menu to choose a transformation to apply to all of them at once. To start scrubbing, click Process Files.

Tiny formatting adjustments don’t have to eat up your whole working life. Sit back and let TextSoap, available on Setapp, take care of the grunt work.

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